Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Sustainable Agricultural Practice

Agriculture has a big impact on the environmental footprint. Sustainable Agriculture implies farming utilizing sustainable techniques dependent on the economy through expanded efficiency while protecting the earth. It centers around advancing the economy through increased productivity while securing the environment. It is a practice that maximizes profitability while lessening environmental destruction.

Sustainable agriculture is characterized as an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long term fulfill these needs:

  • Fulfill the human need for nourishment utilization.

  • Natural biological cycles and controls

  • Support the economic viability of farm activities

  • Improve ecological quality and the natural resource which the agriculture economy depends

  • Enhance the personal satisfaction for farmers and society all in all

  • Make the most productive utilization of non –renewable resources and on-farm resources and incorporate where suitable

Agriculture creation adds to sustaining the livelihoods of numerous households, especially in Africa. In spite of the significant roles it plays, a portion of the advanced farming adopted by most farmers presents a threat to the environment. Hostile biological system cultivating creates a condition that makes agricultural production expensive and this snares people in the future in the awful poverty cycle and rustic poor are the most impeded.

Conducting research to facilitates policy development

Sensitization on topics such as polycultures, urban agriculture, hydroponics and aquaponics, permaculture, etc.

SGE Initiative